There are different types of fiber optic cable available in the market. They are different in sizes, shapes, colors, structure, and materials. So, how to choose the right fiber optic cable? This article will provide some tips for choosing the right fiber optic cable. What is Fiber Optic Cable? Fiber optic cable (also referred to as optical fiber cable) transmits data as pulses of light through flexible, optically pure fibers of glass or plastic. In addition, fiber optic cable is composed of four elements: core, cladding, coating, strength member, and outer jacket. The core is a thin glass/plastic fiber that transports the light pulses generated by a laser or light-emitting diode (LED). Cladding is a thin layer of glass that protects and surrounds the fiber core, reflecting light back into the core and causing light waves to travel the length of the fiber. The coating is designed to absorb shocks, prevent excessive bending and reinforce the fiber core. The strength member is designed...