Things You Should Know About OPGW Cable

In today’s high-tech world, with a strong dependence on robust and high-reliability telecommunications infrastructure, new technologies have emerged to support easy and efficient growth now and in the future. One of these advances in technology is optical ground wire (OPGW).This cable is designed to be installed on transmission and distribution lines, and the fibers are protected from environmental conditions (lightning, short circuit, loading) to ensure reliability and longevity. This article can help you learn more about OPGW cable.
What is OPGW Cable?
OPGW, also known as optical fiber composite overhead ground wire is a dual-functioning cable. It is designed to replace traditional static/shield/earth wires on overhead transmission lines with the added benefit of containing optical fibers which can be used for telecommunications purposes.OPGW must be capable of withstanding the mechanical stresses applied to overhead cables by environmental factors such as wind and ice. OPGW must also be capable of handling electrical faults on the transmission line by providing a path to ground without damaging the sensitive optical fibers inside the cable.
OPGW Cable Types
The OPGW cable design is constructed of a fiber optic core (with multiple sub-units depending on the fiber count) encased in a hermetically sealed hardened aluminum pipe with a covering of one or more layers of steel and/or alloy wires. OPGW cable types include:

ACS (Aluminum clad stainless steel tube) OPGW cable is preferred for its central aluminum clad stainless steel tube and color-coded optic fibers which simplify the splicing process while providing optimum fiber protection as well as long term product reliability.
Stranded tubes OPGW cable use fiber-bearing stainless steel tubes stranded alongside aluminum clad steel and/or aluminum alloy wires to create a multi-layer cable design suitable for a variety of environmental and geographical conditions, and to allow for higher fiber counts.
Central tube OPGW cable is preferred for its compact size and ability to house up to Fiber counts up to 48 in same diameter product. The central stainless steel tube covered with a layer(s) of aluminum clad steel and/or alloy wires, this condensed design offers a more robust configuration than those options with only a bare stainless steel tube covered by wires.
ACP (Aluminum clad PBT) OPGW cable is preferred for its central aluminum pipe and color-coded fiber optic buffer tubes which simplify the splicing process while providing optimum fiber protection as well as long term product reliability.
OPGW cables provide all of the benefits of a traditional shield wire, such as providing short circuits a path to ground and protecting the circuits from lightning strikes, and good compactness, in addition to providing an optical pathway for communication, highly stable, high reliability, high tensile strength, high communication quality, low cost, low transmission signal loss, anti-electromagnetic interference, not easy to be stolen and cut, and not easy to be destructively attacked.

OPGW cable is used in the electric utility industry, transmission and distribution of power lines ( i.e., 500KV, 220KV, 110KV voltage grade lines), voice, video, data transmission, SCADA networks, ariel ground wires, and dark fiber leasing.
OPGW cable maintains all the performance of the overhead ground wire and also opens up for fiber communication network without adding another hanging line.The OPGW has remarkable benefits such as high reliability, superior mechanical performance, and low cost. Sun Telecom provides all OPGW cable products and solutions to the global market.



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