Fiber Optic Network for Security and Surveillance Industry Applications

Fiber Optic Network is very critical in the security and surveillance industry. It is used in security and surveillance cameras and monitoring stations. A security and surveillance camera can improve public safety and prevent crime in cities, homes, and stores.
Benefits of Fiber Optic Networks in the Security and Surveillance Industry
A fiber optic network can provide several benefits in the security and surveillance industry. Some of the benefits include high bandwidth transmissions over longer distances, high reliability, high-speed internet connectivity, high security, low latency, future-proof, simpler testing, smaller size and better tensile strength, immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI), lighter weight, easier to install and maintain, and more.

Network Topology
Security and surveillance network topology is composed of local monitor, coaxial cable, network video recorder,fiber optic cable, fiber optic switch, fiber optic media converter and IP camera.
Application Scenarios
Fiber optic networks for security and surveillance are being utilized in several application scenarios. Some application scenarios are detailed below.

Security Apps: For remote surveillance use fiber optic media converters and multiplexers to access video data from the CCTV network.

Video Surveillance at intelligent transportation system (ITS): For intelligent transportation monitoring and emergency dispatch.

Robotic Monitoring: For robotic monitoring over production lines, manufacturing stations, warehouses, etc.

Gated Community Application: 2-wire fiber optic modems are used in gated community surveillance applications. These modems help establish connectivity between the monitoring station and the gate using contact closure relays.

Large and Small businesses : For identity verification and physical security both indoors and outdoors.

Retail Store and Street: To monitor customer activity and protect against theft and for law enforcement and public safety.

Fiber optic networks provide increased signal distance in security and surveillance applications, and they allow for data multiplexing. While the copper network is susceptible to grounding and lightning strikes, fiber optic networks are immune to EMI/RFI suppression. Sun Telecom provides two solutions for security and Surveillance systems: one is based on PON technology and the other one is based on media converters or fiber optic switches. 



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