Introduction of Fiber Optic Cleaving
As we know, in most cases, when a fiber is used or spliced, it is essential to prepare clean ends. Cleaving, an essential step of making fiber ends clean, though it's a simple mean, but it works surprisingly well, at least for standard glass fibers. Thus, I want to share something about the cleaving in this post today. Understanding of Cleaving Cleaving is one of the processes for termination or splicing. Simple to understand, it “cut” an optical fiber or makes it precisely broken, just like cutting glass plate. But it is different from the general concept “cut”, or perhaps, we may define it as a professional “cut technique” because fiber is cut by scoring or scratching the surface and applying stress so that the glass breaks in a smooth manner along the stress lines created by the scratch. With a properly well done cleaving, the fiber will cleave with a clean surface perpendicular to the length of the fiber, with no protruding glass on either end. Cleaving Tool Cleaver ...